
111 Martindale Rd., St. Catharines, ON

Regular Dental Checkups

Nobody likes being in pain. And nobody likes dealing with unexpected financial costs either.

The best way to avoid both of those when it comes to your oral health is to get a regular dental checkup and full oral hygiene appointment regularly.

Creek View Dental in St Catharines has a friendly and professional team that can be trusted to perform your regular checkup and oral hygiene appointments. Our staff completes each dental appointment to the highest of standards, and we take pride in our friendly and professional demeanour. Why go anywhere else for your next checkup and dental cleaning?

Tooth Decay Prevention Starts With YOU!

At Creek View Dental, we believe that preventive care is the best solution for avoiding future dental problems. That's why we strongly advocate for regular dental checkups and oral hygiene!

Regardless of your age, practicing excellent oral health care is an important part of leading and enjoying a healthy life. Let Creek View Dental help you achieve that goal!  From babies to seniors, the team of professionals at Creek View Dental is here to make your experience pain free and as pleasant as possible. A major part of our patient pool is made up of children and seniors. Our Creek View Kids are so important to us. They liven up our days with their natural curiosity about dentistry and oral health. It’s important for us to instil a solid foundation of respect for oral health starting at a young age. This ensures a better chance that our little patients continue to grow with great oral health. We are honoured to have a large senior population. With different socio-economic needs as well as distinct oral health needs, we pride ourselves on treating this population with respect and special care!

girl with toothbrush

The Importance of a Regular Dental Checkup

For some, visiting the dentist can be hard to fit into today’s hectic schedule. However, it's an appointment that you can't afford to miss.  Optimal oral health can only be successfully achieved with regular maintenance. Without maintenance, a person’s oral health will decline and will very predictably end in dental pain. For some, a decline in oral health can also lead to accompanying health concerns. By prioritizing your oral health now, you are working at the prevention of pain and are contributing to ensuring your own future healthy smile.

During a regular dental checkup, you can expect a check for oral cancer and gum disease, x-rays when needed, and expert advice on how to deal with sensitivity, cosmetic issues and for some jaw issues. An overall check for any concerns in your neck or lymph nodes is also standard.

Help Prevent Cavities with Regular Teeth Cleanings!

Even the best brushing practices at home can miss dental surface areas. When these tricky spots on and between your teeth are missed, plaque builds up. Plaque becomes tartar which is a great place for bacteria to live. Bacteria on your teeth erodes the dental surface, digging down into the tooth which eventually leads to the creation of cavities.

Bacteria can also get below the gum line leading to gum disease. In the early stages, gum disease may start as gingivitis, which can often go overlooked at home.  The symptoms include swollen and tender gum tissue and this can be ignored.  Eventually, gum disease can develop into periodontitis, which is much more severe and can lead to bone decay or tooth loss.

By scheduling a cleaning appointment, you are enabling our hygienists to remove any developing plaque and tartar, thereby decreasing your chances of getting cavities in the future. Hygienists take careful notes during each visit, documenting your oral health and any progressive health concerns. They compare your dynamic oral health from appointment to appointment in order to understand the rate of progression of any adverse issues.

Don’t Skip Your Dental Visit!

Fear of the dentist is a common issue. You are not alone. Our dental staff are trained at helping you understand exactly what will happen at each appointment and we are happy to explain this to you as often as you need. Often fear comes from not understanding what to expect.  Fear of pain is common. We are able to treat you with freezing or oral medication in order to help you with any potential pain or discomfort you might anticipate. If you require dental work and are anxious about things you don’t understand, we have in place treatment coordinators who are trained to explain each step in every dental treatment we provide. These treatment coordinators make use of videos, written literature, and face-to-face, one-on-one consultations to help rid you of the anxiety of the unknown.

The cost of dental procedures can be a reason some choose to skip dental appointments. As mentioned above, dental issues such as decay, crowding, pain, or other oral complications do not go away on their own. They progress, and what would have been a minor dental fix often becomes an issue requiring major dental work. The cost of minor procedures is understandably less than for major issues, which is why proper maintenance of oral health is always more economical in the long run. If, however, you require any dental care that you feel is out of budget, we have specially trained treatment coordinators in place to sit with you one on one and come up with a payment plan designed to fit your budget.

Education is Key During Your Visit

Not only do regular checkups at Creek View Dental give us a chance to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy, but it also provides us with an opportunity to educate you on what we know will help you maintain this oral health from home.

During your visit, hygienists will share best practices for preventative dental care. This information they have is always up to date as hygienists continually educate themselves thought-out their careers. Like physicians who must obtain continuing education, so must dentists and hygienists.  The latest oral health information is always part of our care and at a typical hygiene appointment, you can expect this information to be shared.

Remember, regular dental visits enable you to achieve the goal of excellent oral health for life!

Contact Creek View Dental

Creek View Dental can be reached in several ways. Your convenience is a priority.  You can call us and speak with our friendly front desk staff to find a time that fits your busy schedule. Alternatively, you can send us an appointment request through our website.     

If you are new to the St. Catharines area, or are a student at Brock University or Niagara college, speak with our front desk staff about new patient offers or special offers for students.




"Dr. Jason McNamee and his team have met and exceeded all of this criteria, I am very happy with them. My family and I will continue to support them for many years to come" - Cliff Etkins

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"Absolutely everyone in your office was superb: kind, professional, respectful, supportive, and did everything they could to help me....All of it is a testament to your professionalism, your office culture and business practice, and your sincere kindness. I simply can't thank you enough." - Ellen Foster

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