![The 4 Most Popular Pain-Free Dentistry Methods](/uploads/painfreedentist.jpg)
Posted on March 25, 2020
Thankfully, no longer does a visit to the dentist need to be feared. Because of numerous medical advances in recent years, pain-free dentistry is now possible. The top four pain-free dental methods are described below.
Relaxation Techniques
Never doubt the power of your mind when it comes to relaxing during a dental treatment! Your dentist can show you deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation techniques that can help you relax your face, leading to reduced pain.
Sometimes, a patient can experience more relaxation simply by being better educated on their dental treatment. Since some dentists are more experienced than others when it comes to working with people with anxiety, let the dentist know upfront that you’re worried about the pain you may experience. Your dentist can educate you on what you can expect during your treatment and even show you the tools that will be used, helping alleviate any distress.
Anxiety Medication for Dental Visits
Some patients find that taking an anxiety-reducing drug can help reduce fear about dental pain. Our dentist office can prescribe you with medication such as Ativan or Lorazepam, drugs known for their calming effects.
The relaxation results produced from these drugs are similar to those experienced after consuming a glass of wine. By encouraging a calmer mindset, your jaw and teeth are more relaxed during your treatment, leading you to experience less pain.
Local Anaesthetic for Dental Surgery
A local anesthetic is commonly used during dental treatments to numb any pain felt in your mouth. Frequently used when fillings and crowns are needed, a local anesthetic is also applied during gum disease treatment.
When required, a cream or gel form may first be applied to the surface area before a local anesthetic is injected by a needle. In a matter of minutes, the nerves that send pain and sensory signals to your brain are blocked, resulting in the absence of any discomfort.
A local anesthetic can take up to five hours to wear off following your dental procedure. It’s important to abstain from any strenuous physical activity after you leave the dentist since this makes the anesthetic effects fade quickly.
If a dentist suspects that you will experience pain after the local anesthetic wears off, you will likely be prescribed with some painkillers.
Other Sedation Options
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, can be administered to a patient through a small nasal mask. Oral and intravenous sedation are other options that help patients experience feelings of relaxation while they remain conscious throughout their treatment.
For patients concerned about experiencing pain during their dental treatment or procedure, sleep dentistry may be the best solution. During this method, a general anesthetic will be administered to the patient so they are asleep for the procedure.
Want to experience pain-free dentistry yourself? Contact our office today to schedule an appointment with our experienced dental team.