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Everything You Should Know About Tooth Sensitivity

Everything You Should Know About Tooth Sensitivity
Posted on December 16, 2019

Maybe it’s after going outside and breathing in the cold, winter air or maybe it’s after taking a drink from a hot beverage at one of St. Catharines’ local cafés. Whatever you may have done, you’re now experiencing tooth pain and discomfort – otherwise known as tooth sensitivity.

From causes to treatment, here’s everything you should know about tooth sensitivity.

Symptoms of Sensitive Teeth

Triggers for sensitive teeth are vast and include everything from hot, cold or acidic foods to flossing or brushing activities. The mild or intense pain or discomfort is typically felt at the roots of the affected teeth and the pain may be a temporary or chronic problem.

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Tooth enamel is the hard, outer layer that protects teeth from everything you do. When it becomes damaged or worn away, nerve endings and tooth roots are exposed that create tooth pain.

Besides worn tooth enamel, tooth pain can be caused by receding gums or gum disease. If caused by a worn filling or a chipped or cracked tooth, then you’ll usually only feel the sensitivity in one particular tooth or region of the mouth.

Although some people naturally have thinner enamel, tooth enamel can also become worn down by brushing too hard or with a hard toothbrush, tooth grinding or consuming acidic drinks and foods. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) and conditions that cause frequent vomiting (such as bulimia and gastroparesis) can also result in enamel damage.

Temporary tooth sensitivity can be caused by teeth bleaching or by receiving fillings, crowns or other dental work. Normally, this type of pain diminishes after several days of post-treatment.

Solutions for Sensitive Teeth

Since there are so many causes for sensitive teeth, visit your dentist to find out what is the underlying reason for your tooth pain. Depending on what is discovered during an exam, a variety of treatments are available:

Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth: Following prolonged use, desensitizing toothpaste can help block pain from sensitive teeth. With a multitude of over-the-counter products available, ask your dentist for a recommendation on which one is best for you.

Fluoride Gel: To strengthen tooth enamel and reduce pain, a fluoride treatment can be applied in office to the sensitive areas of your teeth. For additional treatments at home, your dentist may prescribe custom trays of fluoride.

Desensitizing or Bonding: In some situations, bonding resin can be applied to sensitive, exposed root surfaces. This procedure may require a local anesthetic.

Surgical Gum Graft: If your tooth sensitivity is due to lost gum tissue, a surgical gum graft can be completed to help protect exposed roots and reduce pain.

Root Canal: When you’re experiencing extreme pain and other treatments aren’t effective, your dentist may suggest a root canal. Although it’s a significant treatment, a root canal is a highly successful method for eliminating tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity can create a lot of pain – so it’s best to get it looked after as soon as possible. If you or someone you know is experiencing sensitive teeth, contact the friendly team at Creekview Dental in St. Catharines to book an appointment.

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